CategoriesFollow Friday

Follow Friday

Here are some good posts and links I ran across in the last week.

  • Dan Curtis gives you some helpful steps on how to handle and preserve you old, historic photos. I’ve been doing stuff with old photos lately, so this will be helpful.
  • Dean at Genlighten has a geeky post about Genealogy sites and their APIs. Since I come from a geeky background, this was an interesting read for me. It’s also a good read for people interested in other ways sites are allowing people to access their huge amounts of data.
  • Linda at Documenting the Details has a great link on the problems with the “Point-and-Click” Genealogy at some of the major Genealogy websites. I know I have the same issues. Hopefully, the post will help spread the word.
  • Episode 2 of “Faces of America” is now available to view online. This one talks more about the great century of immigration and what some ancestors went through to get to America.

Who Do You Think You Are?

I wrote this for another site, so it may have more general genealogy info than I would have written if it was on this blog. But, you already know about all of this stuff.

As you know from other posts and podcasts, I do enjoy genealogy and the research that goes into unraveling my family tree. Last year, I came across a show on BBC Television in the UK called Who Do You Think You Are? I was able to watch most of the last (seventh) season and scattered other episodes from different seasons in the English and Australian versions via YouTube and other methods. (Since it’s only on British television and the DVDs are only Europe and UK region-coded, so I can’t watch them easily.) I have yet to watch an episode didn’t completely captivate me. Maybe it’s my love of Genealogy, or my love of hunting down a mystery, but the show grew on me.

CategoriesFollow FridayLinks

Follow Friday

Here are some interesting blog posts that I’ve run across for this week.

  • Abba-Dad at I Dream of Genea(logy) posts Genealogy – What’s the Point? In the post he wonders why people do genealogy. What keeps them going? After reading it, I see two sections that really drive me. “Where do I come from? How did I get here? What chain of coincidences and historical events came together to give me this life?” and “If you can place one of your ancestors in a significant historical event, then you have a personal connection to it.” What drives you?
  • Elyse over at Elyse’s Genealogy Blog posts a good overview about organizing your mountain of collected papers. As Genealogists, you know how much paper you collect. It’s a three-post series starting with the initial step of getting everything together. Organizing the Paper Mountain (Part 1). Feel free to follow on to Part 2 and Part 3.
  • A fairly new blog, Geneapprentice, has recently popped up. Sarah is blogging about her experience working towards her certificate from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies. I know it’s crossed my mind to get certified, so it’s a good read if you’re thinking about it.
  • NBC is premiering the American version of Who Do You Think You Are? starting March 5, after the Olympics. I am a big fan of the show having watched a few of the British versions from BBC. I enjoy the way they incorporate the personal genealogy of a celebrity with world historical events. History and Genealogy buffs will love the show. I really hope it survives America’s TV landscape (and NBC) like the BBC version has. They’ve just completed Season 7.